Doctorate in co-tutorship

Doctorate in co-tutorship

The co-supervision of the thesis represents a significant opportunity for the PhD student to carry out the research in an international cooperation-oriented manner.

In recent years, the Doctoral Program in Engineering has already entered into various co-tutorship agreements with foreign universities, both as home and host institutions, such as the University of Sfax (Tunisia), the University of Cordoba (Spain), the Lyon 1 University, the RWTH University of Aachen and the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Montpellier within the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate SINCHEM (Sustainable Industrial Chemistry) project, which involved an average of 2-3 PhD students per year, which therefore make it possible to further guarantee a constant presence of experts with proven international qualifications in the context of doctoral activities.

The thesis co-tutorship is governed by art. 27 of the University Research Doctorate Regulations and differs from the Joint Doctorate and the Doctor Europeaus.


Activation procedures