Employment and professional outlets

The aim of the PhD will be to train high-level experts who, thanks to the broad technical-scientific and methodological skills acquired, are able to personally lead the development of innovation in advanced production sectors, in public and private research institutions and to aspire to top positions in public administration as well as in industrial companies. The professional figure that is intended to be trained has professional skills and abilities capable of leading research groups operating in the public or private sector as well as holding highly professional positions in production sectors with a strong technological value such as manufacturing companies, transformation industry, mechanics, electronics and information technology.

The predominant role of modern ICT technologies in determining and influencing the development of our society, both at a social and customary level, is as evident as it is (perhaps) inevitable. The demand for specialized and continuously updated skills in this sector is a direct consequence of the rapid evolution of technology which, among other things, is available increasingly at a low cost, thereby determining the entry onto the market of economic and industrial entities of even medium and small size. The Doctor of Industrial and Information Engineering is, therefore, a figure particularly sought after and coveted by companies operating in the industrial, IT, embedded and distributed systems sectors and the entire manufacturing sector. Furthermore, the close interdisciplinarity of these areas justifies and, moreover, allows us to appreciate that the aforementioned skills can be present in the cultural baggage of a single individual.

The training project also aims to encourage the entrepreneurial activity of doctoral students who achieve highly innovative results during their research, also through the use of academic spin-offs.

The professional figures that correspond to the training characteristics of the doctorate are those of Production Manager, R&D Manager, Maintenance Manager, Specialist in the development of new materials, Specialist in structural control.