Additional information on the call

Research project

The maximum score attributable to the research project will be 30/100 points.

The project is a document aimed at illustrating the research activity proposed by the candidate in the context of the PhD course. The topic must be consistent with the educational objectives of the PhD.

With regard to scholarships financed pursuant to D.M. 117/2023 and Ministerial Decree no. 118/2023 and scholarships under the PNRR, the research project must be developed by the candidate taking into consideration the Topics indicated in the announcement and connected to the funded scholarship and the eligibility criteria established by art. 7 of the Ministerial Decree no. 117/2023 and by articles 9 and 10 of the D.M. no. 118/2023.

The research project can be written either in Italian or in English and must have a minimum number of 4 pages (Arial 12 font, line spacing 1, numbered pages), and a maximum number of 10 pages. The illustrative document must provide for a subdivision into paragraphs as indicatively indicated below

 - Title of the research project; 
 - Brief description of the project;
 - Thematic of the research project, scientific relevance of the problem and state of the art;
 - Aim of the research project and definition of objectives;
 - Experimental plan of the research project, methodologies and expected results;
 - Analysis of risks, problems and possible solutions of the research project;
 - Bibliography (in the style of the American Psychological Association 7th edition,;
 - Figures (jpeg format) and figure legends.

Examination methods

The oral test consists of an interview aimed at ascertaining the preparation, skills, aptitude for scientific research and motivations of the candidates; this interview is aimed at verifying the candidates' knowledge of topics concerning the educational and methodological guidelines of the doctorate and understanding the discussion of the proposed research project.

In illustrating the research project, the candidate may make use of the possible aid of a PowerPoint presentation.

During the interview, the knowledge of the English language will be verified